MVHR Maintenance Tips

Having an MVHR system installed in your home is a great way of ensuring that the property is well ventilated, fresh and remains free of condensation and mould. The best way to ensure continuous long service of your MVHR system is to uphold regular maintenance.

The maintenance procedure for a Rega MVHR system is a simple process. Each of the extraction vents installed in the wet rooms throughout the property should be fitted with a filter to prevent dust and debris entering the duct system. These filters will require regular cleaning (every 2-3 months) to ensure they do not get blocked. If the filters in the system become blocked this will result in increased noise levels, increased power consumption and in the worst case a reduced ventilation rate.

To gain access to the filters, the vent and the vent body need to be removed from the ceiling. This can be done by twisting it anti-clockwise. A common error is in twisting and removing the middle section of the valve to access the filters. This shouldn’t be altered as this can affect the balancing of the system. Filters are then cleaned under running water and replaced into the ceiling. If you’re cleaning multiple filters at the same time – just ensure that the right filter goes back into the right vent. We have three different filter grades so they may differ from room to room. They are set specifically for each room so mixing them up could affect the balancing.

Innately, the main MVHR unit will also require yearly maintenance. Before carrying out any work in the unit, please make sure it is switched off. Similar to the extract vents, there are two filters in the unit that need to be cleaned under running water (or a vacuum if this is easier!). These can be placed back in the unit whilst still wet. Both ceiling and main unit filters are designed to last around 12-15 years, however over time they will begin to disintegrate. Replacement filters for the ceiling can be purchased on our shop. It may be helpful to note down all filter sizes/types for future reference. If you have trouble remembering to clean your filters regularly, you can subscribe to filter cleaning reminders via email here.

Both fans in the unit should be free running & quiet when rotated. To make sure the condensate drain is clear, a small amount of water can be poured into the base of the unit to ensure it drains correctly. Finally, check the external connections to ensure they aren’t blocked with leaves or branches. Regular maintenance of your MVHR system eliminates the need for annual servicing, however it’s advisable to get the system serviced every 10 years or so.

For further info on the general running of your MVHR system, consult our Operation and Maintenance Manual here.


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